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Teaching Credentials College of Education

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补充 Authorizations

Holders of valid basic teaching credentials may obtain additional instructional authorizations. 为未来的, or current or credentialed teachers, our office will evaluate your transcripts for both supplementary authorizations and subject matter authorizations. Please contact the Credentials Office at 278-4567.

Adding authorizations

Bilingual Authorization

For advising on Bilingual Authorization, Karina Figueroa-Ramirez

The Bilingual Authorization can be added to the Single Subject, Multiple Subject or Education Specialist Credentials and requires:

  • 3 units in a Cultural 多样性 course (ETHN 100 Ethnic America or equivalent)
  • 3 units in a Race/Ethnicity course (Ethnic Studies courses or equivalents with focus on population of emphasis: Hmong or Spanish)
  • 60 hours of involvement in the target community, Hmong or Spanish
    • Paid or unpaid experience, grade level preferred credential is pursued in
  • Language examination in Hmong or Spanish
    • Hmong CSET – Subtest II
    • Spanish CSET – Subtest III
  • Pre-requisite Course Requirements
    • EDUC 170 Introduction to Educating English Language Learners
      (讲座 & 10 hours tutoring an EL student)
    • EDUC 100A/B Education of Students w/ Disabilities in 公司lusive
      设置(讲座 & 30 hours fieldwork students with special needs)
    • HLSC 136 School 健康 Ed
    • KINS 172 Elementary PE Methods (Workshop can be completed during the program) *Required for Multiple Subjects candidates only
  • Competency in Linguistic Bilingual Methodology
    • EDUC 175 Pedagogy and Academic Language Skills in Spanish for Bilingual Educators (Must be taken during credentialing program) or
    • EDUC 172 Introduction to Hmong Literacy
      Competency in English Language Development/Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (ELD/SDAIE) (Can be taken before credentialing program)

Computer Science 补充 Authorization

The Computer Science 补充 Authorization can be added to the Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential; it cannot be added to a Special Education teaching credential.

Do you want to be authorized AND well-prepared to teach K-12 computer science? This program will help you get there. 加州’s Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) offers a “补充 Authorization” in Computer Science teaching for credentialed teachers. This allows you to teach computer science in K-12 settings even if your baccalaureate degree was not in computer science. By taking the courses in this program, you can apply for the supplementary authorization and become qualified and prepared to teach K-12 computer science courses.

This program is offered through 萨克拉门托 State’s College of Continuing Education, where you can get more information. 奖学金 are available!

Adding a Math or Science Cred to your Multiple or Single Subject Cred

By taking courses in this program, you will be prepared to meet subject matter competency requirements for a single subject teaching credential (Foundational Level Mathematics or General Science, 生物学, Chemistry or Physics).

This program is offered through 萨克拉门托 State’s College of Continuing Education, where you can get more information. 奖学金 are available!